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 paresh lakha

happiness and freedom begins with an understanding of work and life integration

it makes sense to pursue excellant performance in all domains of your life -

work, home, community, and self

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paresh's story

The place where your greatest discomfort lies is also the spot, where your largest opportunity lives.

In a world where people, entrepreneurs, executives and companies face countless challenges, paresh provides a unique approach that not only guides clients through these obstacles, but also gives them the necessary skill set to handle future hardships.

With a focus on leadership development, smart decision-making, and creative problem solving, I have been assisting people to win. My clients include people that want to make a difference in their lives. I have met many people who feel unfulfilled, overwhelmed, or stagnant because they are forsaking performance in one or more aspects of their lives. 

I have developed a total work-life integration program to assist you to navigate the stresses that life throws at you. 

I graduated with an MBA without an undergraduate degree based on a recognized prior learning status based on my entrepreneurial journey.

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Are your skills in par with your ambition?


Executive Coaching

Freedom is achieved by creating new ways of thinking and behaving as compared to the past that were unhelpful and limiting to yourself and to others.

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Business Model Generation

The most important understanding of your business. A greater clarity of your business model, allows you to make more impactful decisions about your business.

Home: Services

Executive Coaching

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

This is the investment that you will be making in yourself. 

R 2 500


This is an investment that fast tracks your change. It involves 4 coaching sessions for a month of two hours each.
This program is designed for those that need to make decisions regarding a possible career change.

R 5 000

Work Life Integration

This investment is based on time.  It compromises of 10 sessions of 2 hours sessions. The program is designed for those individuals that are questioning their role in their work and life environment and what's required to bring a total integration of work, home, community, and self.

R 1 500

Is Coaching for you?

This investment requires 2 hours of your time. We would discuss and develop a plan of action that you will implement. It is for those individuals that feel that they are capable of making the necessary bold decisions. My role in this session is to act as a catalyst in kick-starting your new life game plan.

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Business Model Generation

A greater understanding of your business or a greater understanding of a new business idea.

R 7 500

Identifying the key challenges.

The investment required is 10 x 90 minute sessions.I would investigate the business and identify growth inhibitors and possible challenges in the business. Based on the finding, I would present management on the key issues that need to acted upon.

R 25 000

The Complete Solution

The investment required is 20 x 90 minutes sessions. An investigation will be initiated with possible solutions identified. To ensure the solutions are achieving their desired outcomes, a balance scorecard will be developed. This will help to ensure the organization is on the right path of growth and greater sustainability.

R 2 500

Is my business idea any good?

The investment is a 3x60 minute sessions. I would investigate your business idea and explore the possible challenges that you would experience. It is a wise investment to make before commiting to a rental agreement and making purchases. Furthermore, it is the document that could be used to share in discussions with potential investors.

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If you are looking for a better you in your life, kindly call me or drop me a mail.  We can setup up a 30 minutes free session.          



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